this hexagonal grid structure can be viewed as a lattice of isolated hexagons which fold over and under each other without touching.
when viewed as a tensegrity it is a very simple structure made up of left and right handed 3 strut prisms.
as the hexagonal cells do not touch each other, they are 'islands of compression in a sea of tension' to quote Buckminster Fuller.
this grid is sitting on a flat surface although it looks curved.
form this angle it is easier to see that the hexagonal cells are separate.
this structure may be useful as a model for certain types cellular biology or crystal structures.
the hexagonal cells are made from compression rods but they are not rigid forms, each joint connection forming the hexagon is a pin joint which is free to swivel on all axis.
It is the connecting tensile strings which hold the hexagonal cell shapes together but also keeps each cell apart.
the grid can easily be deformed into a dome shape. due to the nature of tensegrity, the tensile forces in the assembly are contained and neutralised at the cellular level unlike traditional structures where the tensile forces are aggregated and transferred in total to the perimeter (or ground) to maintain rigidity.
This obviates the need for a continuous perimeter compression ring which is an essential part of current cable dome structures.